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Accredited Arboretum News
Kirstenbosch named one of the most beautiful botanic gardens
Cape Town’s natural beauty is renowned worldwide. From Table Mountain to Boulders Beach, there are so many incredible attractions that leave visitors enthralled. Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden is the latest to receive international acclaim for its marvellous views.
Preserving Life at Cemeteries
Once upon a time, in early-19th-century America, people didn’t frequent parks; they recreated at cemeteries. Thanks to the so-called rural cemetery movement, expansive “groves of the dead” were filled with curated collections of flowering bushes and magnificent trees. Sprawling across hundreds of acres just outside cities, they were designed as naturalistic oases to simultaneously help strolling urbanites commune with dearly departeds and connect with their lost country roots.
Investigating Herbal Remedies to Treat COVID-19
Local experts are working on herbal remedies to treat COVID-19, Hu Yonghong, chairman of the International Association of Botanic Gardens’ Asian branch, told a meeting in Shanghai.
Experts from Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden are investigating the effectiveness of peony and Chinese skullcap in reducing inflammation in the lungs caused by COVID-19, Hu said at a talk on “The Power of Plants” at the garden.
Lockerly Arboretum and the Poplar Project
Will black cottonwood poplars, balsam poplars or their hybrids grow and thrive this far south?
That’s a question Lockerly Arboretum hopes to help North Dakota State University answer in the coming months and years through a research project that recently put its roots in the ground. Lockerly is one of 18 arboretums and universities across the country participating in the project that will determine where these trees can be grown and later broken down for uses like biofuel. The effort is being funded by the National Science Foundation’s plant genome research program.
A look into Lovell Quinta Arboretum
Towering over the Cheshire countryside is one of the county’s best-known landmarks, the famous radio telescope of Jodrell Bank, brainchild of physicist and radio astronomer Sir Bernard Lovell OBE FRS. What isn’t quite as well known, though, is that Sir Bernard who lived in Swettenham, just a few miles away from Jodrell, left a second legacy.
Herbarium Being Built at The Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan
Construction on an exciting new facility which will house 250 years worth of plantlife has begun at The Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan.
A host of politicians visited the gardens this week to mark the start of works on the $60 million National Herbarium of NSW, which will feature more than 1.4 million botanical specimens once complete.
The specimen collection is moving to Mount Annan from Sydney as part of the build, which was originally announced in the 2018 budget.
Hamilton College Arboretum Receives ArbNet Accreditation
The Hamilton College Arboretum has been awarded a Level II Accreditation by The ArbNet Arboretum Accreditation Program and The Morton Arboretum for achieving particular standards of professional practices deemed important for arboreta and botanic gardens. The ArbNet Arboretum Accreditation Program is the only global initiative to officially recognize arboreta at various levels of development, capacity, and professionalism.
Recording Biodiversity at National Tropical Botanical Garden
Hawaii is home to a rich variety of unique flora. The National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG), headquartered in Kalāheo, Hawaii, is focused on protecting and conserving native plants throughout the tropical regions of the Pacific. With roughly 2,000 acres of land, NTBG’s expansive gardens have become an example of natural biodiversity preservation. Many of these species are found exclusively in Hawaii — some, found in a singular valley.
Newport Tree Conservancy working its way to Level III Accreditation
NEWPORT — The public will have an opportunity in the coming two weeks to see the work being done by the people at the Heritage Tree Center, who are working on cultivating replacements for the incredible diversity of trees found in Newport. The trees will be available for purchase.
The center was established in 2017 by the Newport Conservancy, formerly called the Newport Tree Society, on the campus of Rogers High School. The center’s greenhouse for the propagation of trees is called the Newport Tree House.