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UUCCH Arboretum

UUCCH Arboretum
The Unitarian Universalist Church in Cherry Hill Arboretum sits on 17.7 acres of land in Camden County, New Jersey. Twelve acres of land, initially purchased in 1959 for the development of the Church and its campus, consisted of a wooded hill and a four-acre peach orchard. Two land gifts increased the property to its current size. Through annual planting programs, as well as through gifts and memorials, the church planted more than a hundred species and cultivars. The collection now includes over 600 taxa of woody plants, trees, and shrubs
The UUCCH Arboretum serves multiple functions. First, it provides a horticultural facility for the benefit and pleasure of the interested public. Second, the Arboretum preserves open space in a suburban area that is dominated by development, and where land designated for recreational use is sparse. Finally, the Arboretum, with its labyrinth, walking paths, and beautiful plantings, serves both church members and the public as an aesthetically pleasing and meditative space.