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Tree Heritage Park

Tree Heritage Park
The THP (about 10 ha) is nicknamed “Noah’s Ark”, reminiscing the biblical event, when lives were saved from a ravaging flood! This status is based on merit as the THP hosts ex-situ collections of over 100 species of native trees, about half of which are classified as threatened and/or endemic. Located within the campus of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Ibadan, Nigeria, the park was started in the early 1990s as an agroforestry arboretum incorporating both food and forest crops, which were either native or non-native. In 2015, it was restored for the conservation of rare and endangered Nigerian trees–thanks to the donors that provided funding. In addition to serving as a repository of genetic resources, the THP provides opportunities for promoting environmental education. Thus, the park hosts facilities for visiting tourists, schoolchildren and family groups, including adventure playground, forest classroom, hide and boardwalk, barbecue pavilion, natural history museum and campsite.