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The Tasmanian Arboretum

The Tasmanian Arboretum
The Tasmanian Arboretum is an Incorporated Association, that is it is owned by its members. On the north facing coast of Tasmania in the hill behind Devonport it is on a limestone geology. Numbering over 4,600 living specimens, the plantings display the largest private collection of woody temperate flora in Australia. With an elevation of between 30 and 80 metres [100 and 250 ft] and containing slopes, flood plains and springs, they are able to grow a wide variety of plants in their USDA zone 7 climate. The property is also bounded by several large areas of local vegetation where with their fauna. It is situated on 66 hectares [155 acres] with remnant local vegetation on the limestone rock outcrops. The dominant tree on this geology is the white gum [Eucalyptus viminals] a tree that lives to about 200 years old.
The Arboretum was founded by members of the local community in 1984 for the purpose of collecting and displaying woody plants of the temperate world. The mission is evolving with a present focus on preservation of rare and endangered flora from high altitude forest along the East Coast of Australia. An education program is run to develop a appreciation of, and enlightenment about plants among school students. It also serves a scientific and educational purpose, currently demonstrating the breadth of flora that can grow in the Tasmanian climate through our displays. Since human activities are putting much of the world's flora at risk, the mission also includes preservation of the germplasm of endangered plants.