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Frederick Law Olmsted Park and Arboretum

Frederick Law Olmsted Park and Arboretum
The Mission of the Frederick Law Olmsted Park and Arboretum at the National Museum of American Illustration is to promote an understanding and appreciation of trees on the property by preserving and enhancing two historically important, diverse “Gilded Age” gardens. While different in concept and executions, each holds a unique and historic landscaped garden. The Arboretum also seeks to honor the pioneering work of America’s first landscape architect: Frederick Law Olmsted, particularly his efforts on the Frederick Law Olmsted Park property.
Four State Champion trees make up the Arboretums’ Signature Collection. Rhode Island Helen Walker Raleigh Champion Tree Program field examiners identified these four trees in 2015: a magnificent Cutleaf European Beech (Fagus sylvatica ‘Asplenifolia’), a native magnolia (Magnolia acuminate), an exceptionally rare Spruce selected by Olmsted for the site (Picea jezoewnsis var. hondoensis), and a Zelkova (Zelkova serrata) also selected by Olmsted and believed to be largest in the United States.