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Brookgreen Gardens
Brookgreen Gardens
While all of Brookgreen Gardens’ property is considered an arboretum in its most general definition, the area between the formal gardens and the E. Craig Wall, Jr. Lowcountry Center is specifically designated as the ~20 acre formal Arboretum. Within this geographic location, there are approximately 100 trees comprising 40 different species. The collection is diverse but generally represents trees indigenous to the Southeastern United States.
The Arboretum includes but is not limited to, 4 species of Acer, 7 species of Carya, and14 species of Quercus. While the genus best represented is Quercus or oaks, there are many specimen trees of varies species (Robinia, Liquidambar, Liriodendron, etc.) that date back as far as the 1930’s. Planted in 1968, the 80’ Cunninghamia lanceolata – China Fir, is the star of our holiday event, Nights of a Thousand Candles. And along the back wall of the garden proper resides a Quercus glauca - Japanese Blue Oak, said to be the finest specimen in the country. Also, around the property you will find 3 different Allees planted with Magnolia grandiflora – Southern Magnolia, Fagus grandifolia – American Beech dating back to 1942, and Quercus virginiana - Live Oak dating back to the Pre- Civil War Plantation Era.